Halfway to Ithilien
I’ve reached about the halfway point in my Ithilien Brocade Jacket! After a winter hibernation, it is back in production. The first sleeve is done up to the armhole, and is (barely) attached. So far, so good!

Front of Ithilien Brocade Jacket

Back, showing cabled gusset at back and one side
Right now, I’m thinking about changing the plan for edge finishing. I am seriously considering an i-cord edging all around, with a double row up the center front to include the buttonholes. My original idea was for facings on the center front opening and lower edge. I am re-knitting the cuffs, splicing the yarns for the multicolor cable instead of semi-felting the loose ends. I will probably still do a facing for them. Then it’s on to the second sleeve!
I’m planning to knit a couple of rows of seed stitch in bronze on the lower edge, to match the edges of the cable sections, before doing the i-cord in contrasting deep blue-green (Marine Heather in KnitPicks Palette). I will probably still knit a facing for the stand-up collar to give it the body it needs.

Celtic Horse buttons
Did I tell you I got the buttons in? The beautifully detailed design doesn’t show up as well as I’d like in this smaller size, but the bigger buttons were just out of scale.
I’m also thinking of doing a test knit of a seamless set-in bottom-up sleeve, to get the shaping down before I start them for real on the sweater. At least I still have a sleeve to go before I really need to worry about that.
In the meantime, I just bought some City Tweed from KnitPicks. I would not have bought it just now, but had ended up with a small credit (!) on a credit card, and felt obliged to even things up. What a painless way to boost the economy and my stash at the same time! I finally settled on the Morning Glory color, but when it arrived, it was a little more purple than I expected, so the sweater (Silken Scabbard, with the new ribbed neckline) may end up going to my eldest daughter. Or perhaps we’ll take turns wearing it. I fiddled with the color in this picture, and got it a little closer to real life, but the grass looks funny now!

City Tweed in Morning Glory
I’m swatching with it right now, and really like the feel. But I had the absolute worst time I’ve ever had trying to find the end of the yarn inside the ball! I swear, I had a good third of the thing dragged out before I finally found the end… with its yarny guts strung all over my lap. Then it took me 15 minutes of barely contained frustration just to get it untangled and wound back around the ball. I sure hope that isn’t an omen for the project!
And now…
my roses are finally starting to bloom! I had to share! Yes, they smell as good as they look.
I really must say that it’s coming along most beautifully! and the buttons are perfect!
WOW that looks FABULOUS!!!!!
I’m curious, where do you find directions for a seamless bottom up set-in sleeve?
If you find any instructions, please share with me! I’ve found bits of information here and there, and have talked with a few people, but haven’t yet run across anything comprehensive or detailed. So I’m basically winging it. Keep your fingers crossed for me!