A collection of links to online and print resources that I have found useful.
Hue, Value, Saturation
Mixing Complementary Colors
More on Complementary Color Mixing (mostly text)
Complementary Colors including brief description of various color models
Optical Blending
~ Free Printable Color Wheels
For Color Mixing
Color Wheels for different color models
Explanation of checking value using B&W photo (images shown below)

How to lighten a colorway at your wheel
Come to terms with your spinning fiber stash
Fractal spinning
Gradient fractal spinning
Choosing colors for a sweater
Influencing a combo spin (pdf)
Spinning from the fold:
Mixing fiber for a sweater combo spin:
And a follow-up combo spin video from The PassioKnit Spinner:
Books & Magazines
Dyeing to Spin & Knit by Felicia Lo
Yarnitecture by Jillian Moreno
PLY Magazine – Autumn 2013, Color issue (digital or print)
Spin Off magazine articles include: