HomeKnitting TechniquesAs much fun as mud pies


As much fun as mud pies — 7 Comments

  1. Your tutorial is really excellent, clear and well written with concise and excellent photos!

    I’m doing that with my autumn rose pullover. I calculated that I would have to sew some 400 ends, and then it was an easy decision:)

    your sweater is really coming along most beautifully! And doesn’t it feel wonderful when you intuition is right:)

    I’m really looking forward to see it finished!

  2. I ran into the link to this on Ravelry, and wanted to tell you what a great little tutorial it is! I made it through one fair isle swatch before realizing that splicing at the color changes is the way to do. At first I thought it would be a pain, but it’s nothing compared to facing all of those ends! Keep spreading the word!

  3. Thank you for sharing your technique for ‘spit splicing’. I,too, haven’t had very good luck with this technique. After your tutorial, I am emboldened to give this one more try. If only I’d read your blog before I started my latest project.

    • Thanks, Carol!  I must say, that little discovery rather rocked my own knitting world.  😉

      So, I clicked on over to your site, and what do I see but the gorgeous Kelmscott!!  One of these days, I AM going to knit that lovely sweater.  And in my brief browse through your site, I saw several other eye-catching designs.  I’m definitely going back for a better look when I have more time!

      – Sharon


  4. Wonderful tutorial but I have one question. 2″ is the length of yarn you used for each change in your sleeve or just for education purposes? I’m tackling my first large Fair Isle, while I don’t mind weaving in the ends so far, it’s a long way to a FO.

    • I tried to describe the process as closely as possible to the way I did it in the sweater. I found, with experience, about how many stitches from the ‘seamline’ I needed to make the splice so the color change would fall in the right place; but since the color changes were pretty subtle, it didn’t matter if it was one or two stitches from the ideal spot!
      This sweater is fingering weight yarn, but something heavier might require ends a bit longer for stability. As always, swatching with the new technique is time well spent!
      Good luck with your project! I would love to see pictures when you’re done!

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