HomeDownloadsIthilien Brocade chart


Ithilien Brocade chart — 13 Comments

  1. This looks so great! No idea when I’ll be able to try this out, but hopefully very soon. Thank you so much for taking the time and thought to convert this to a chart!

  2. Thank you so much! As with Devorah, not sure when I’ll be able to try it, but it looks so wonderful I have to try.

  3. This is such a nice chart. I tried to download it on my IPad but somehow it doesn’t work. I try it on my pc.

  4. I’ve got some yarn and an idea for a cardigan that I want to use this for. 1 repeat of the pattern will go around the bottom. I haven’t decided what to do at the top but with a fair isle kind of yoke I could do it again there. It will be a little while before I can begin on it but I will let you know.

  5. Thank you for the chart for Ithilien. I have admired it long enough – now I need to figure out what to knit!