Behind the Scenes: Cloister Hood
It’s a wonderful thing, to see in print a project that started out as an idea in your own head, brought into existence by your own hands!
I worked hard on planning, spinning, knitting and writing during the first weeks of 2020, and sent everything off to Spin Off magazine in early March. Then, just as I was sighing with relief at meeting the deadline, the world turned upside down. But after all the weirdness that has been 2020, it is here at last.
The article is about working with John and Sara Morris at a local mill (HLA Fiber Mill near Augusta, Kansas – and on Facebook) to create a custom fiber blend for a specific project; the pattern for my Cloister Hood follows the article.
Some hard decisions were part of the deal – and the hardest was selecting photos to submit, knowing that they wouldn’t be able to use all of them. However, I don’t have those page space restrictions here, so can share lots more pictures that will help tell the rest of the story…
And now I see that I need to take some more pictures of the finished item!
Great story in Spin Off Mag, and thank you for sharing more! So jealous, it sounds like such an awesome adventure.